XGST2020 immagine - metel
RFID terminale portatile di diagnostica - 13.56 MHz
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Catalogue Identification par radio fréquence Gamme XG Français 11/2021 French   2024-06-15       
Catalogue Radio frequency identification XG range English 11/2021 English   2024-06-15  summary
Catalogue Radio frequency identification XG range English 11/2021

The XG Radio frequency identification (RFID) offer includes RFID readers, electronic tags, a RFID handheld terminal, network connection boxes, field expanders, as well as connection and mounting accessories.RFID applications are numerous: logistics (Goods Out, Goods in, transit), tracking and sorting of baggage, traceability in the food processing industry, automatic tolls booths, access control, etc.