A9Z66480 Bild- scope
Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter Allstromsensitiv iID, 4P, 80A, Typ B-SI, 500mA
EAN Code EAN Code: 
Schneider Electric
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Schnellübersicht Installationsgeräte Resi9 & Acti9 German   2024-07-15  summary
Schnellübersicht Installationsgeräte Resi9 & Acti9

Reiheneinbaugeräte Resi9 und Acti9, ABN Verteilertechnik
Auswahlkatalog 2024 German   2024-07-15  summary
Auswahlkatalog 2024

Finden Sie Lösungen von Schneider Electric aus den Bereichen Energieerzeugung und -verteilung sowie Steuerungs- und Automatisierungstechnik in einer optimierten Katalogstruktur mit Preisverzeichnis (Preise gültig in Deutschland ab 01. Januar 2024).
DoC diff current switchers KZ Russian   2024-07-15       
EU DoC_FD19010701D_RCCB iID type B English   2024-07-15       
Acti9 iID B-SI RCCB - Product End of Life Instructions English   2024-07-15       
Gebrauchsanleitung - Acti9 iID B-SI Typ Chinese, Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish   2024-07-15       
Umweltzertifikat  (ROHS/REACH)
A9Z66480 China-RoHS-Erklärung German   2024-07-05  summary
A9Z66480 China-RoHS-Erklärung

Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter Allstromsensitiv iID, 4P, 80A, Typ B-SI, 500mA
A9Z66480 EU-RoHS-Erklärung German   2024-07-05  summary
A9Z66480 EU-RoHS-Erklärung

Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter Allstromsensitiv iID, 4P, 80A, Typ B-SI, 500mA
A9Z66480 REACh-Erklärung German   2024-07-05  summary
A9Z66480 REACh-Erklärung

Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter Allstromsensitiv iID, 4P, 80A, Typ B-SI, 500mA
IMQ certificate English   2024-06-15       
KEMA certificate English   2024-07-15       
LCIE certificate English   2024-07-15       
NF certificate LCIE English, French   2024-07-15       
Acti9 RCCB B-SI type for crane in building site English   2024-07-15       
Acti9 RCCB B-SI type for elevator power network English   2024-06-15       
Acti9 RCCB B-SI type for industrial speed drives English   2024-07-15       
Acti9 RCCB B-SI type for photovoltaic installation English   2024-07-15       
Acti9 RCCB B-SI type for industrial speed drives English   2024-07-15       
Acti9 iID B-SI RCCB - Product Environmental Profile English   2024-07-15       
How To Video
Understand what are the steps to check and test the Acti9 RCCB B-SI Type. English   2024-07-15  summary
Understand what are the steps to check and test the Acti9 RCCB B-SI Type.

Schneider Electric's RCD for commercial and industrial buildings, Acti9 B SI type RCCB, ensures continuity of service by preventing nuisance tripping, reducing hazards and network disturbances due to DC currents or multi-frequency.
Understand what are the steps to check and test the Acti9 RCCB B-SI Type. English   2024-07-15  summary
Understand what are the steps to check and test the Acti9 RCCB B-SI Type.

Schneider Electric's RCD for commercial and industrial buildings, Acti9 B SI type RCCB, ensures continuity of service by preventing nuisance tripping, reducing hazards and network disturbances due to DC currents or multi-frequency.
Acti9 iID 4P 80A 500mA B-SI type 400V Residual Current Circuit Breaker - 3D CAD SILENT   2024-06-15       
Acti9 iID 4P 80A 500mA B-SI type 400V Residual Current Circuit Breaker - 3D CAD SILENT   2024-06-15