Number of inputs
Addressing requirement
12 output words
12 input words
Data format
2147483647 dec 32 bits
65535 dec 16 bits
Counting input voltage
30 V DC max
Counting input current
7 mA
Counting input type
Discrete incremental counter
Counting frequency
100000 Hz
Duty cycle
1/1 counter input
Discrete input current
5 mA
Operating threshold
15...30 V single ended mode 24 V REF DC at state on
3...5 V single ended mode 24 V REF DC at state off
Discrete output number
Discrete output type
Field Effect Transistor (FET)
Discrete output voltage
0 V switch off DC
20...30 V switch on DC
Load current
0.21 A
Maximum leakage current
0.1 mA state off
Maximum voltage drop
<1.25 V state on
Isolation between channels and bus
500 Vrms for 60 s
Fault type
Loss of output field power
Output short-circuit protection
Power dissipation
>= 6 W
Bus current requirement
250 mA
External power requirement
19.2...30 V
Rack type
Local signalling
5 LEDs for channel status
Current consumption
<= 1140 mA at 24 V DC external power supply
Module format