Analogue output number
Data format
Full 16 bits signed
Analogue output range
+/- 10 V 12 bits + sign >= 1 kOhm
4...20 mA 12 bits + sign <= 0.6 kOhm
Maximum load capacitance
1 µF
Absolute accuracy error
+/- 0.2 % of full scale +/- 10 V 25 °C
+/- 0.25 % full scale +/- 10 V 60 °C
+/- 0.4 % of full scale 4...20 mA 25 °C
+/- 0.5 % of full scale 4...20 mA 60 °C
Temperature drift
10 %oFS/°C +/- 10 V 60 °C
30 %oFS/°C 4...20 mA 60 °C
Update time
2 ms
Full scale
10 V +/- 10 V
2 mA 4...20 mA
Fail state
Reset to full scale
Reset to zero
Isolation between channels and ground
500 V AC for 1 minute
Maximum power dissipation in W
8.5 W
Protection type
Internal 2 A slow-blow
Output short-circuit protection
With in voltage circuit
External power requirement
+/- 30 V DC
24 V DC
Permissible common mode voltage
250 V 47...63 Hz AC between channels to ground
250 V 47...63 Hz DC
Reverse polarity protection
Local signalling
4 LEDs for channel status
Current consumption
150 mA at 24 V DC actuator
530 mA at 24 V DC base
Module format
125 mm
47.5 mm
141.5 mm
Net weight
0.215 kg