Discrete input logic
Discrete input voltage
120 V AC 47...63 Hz
0...132 V AC
Input overvoltage protection
200 V
Voltage state 1 guaranteed
>= 79 V
Voltage state 0 guaranteed
<= 20 V
Current state 1 guaranteed
>= 5.5 mA
Current state 0 guaranteed
<= 1.9 mA
Discrete output logic
Discrete output voltage
120 V 47...63 Hz
Discrete output current
0.5 mA per point
1.5 mA per module
Maximum voltage drop
<1.5 V 0.5 A at state on
Maximum leakage current
1.9 mA AC 120 V
Surge current
30 mA
Response time
< 12.3 ms 60 Hz from state 1 to state 0 input circuit
< 12.3 ms 60 Hz from state 1 to state 0 output circuit
< 12.5 ms 60 Hz from state 0 to state 1 input circuit
< 12.5 ms 60 Hz from state 0 to state 1 output circuit
Communication port support
Transmission rate
9600 bit/s
19200 bit/s
Data format
8-bit RTU
7-bit ASCII
Number of addresses
Port timeout
150 ms
Electrical connection
2 connectors for removable terminal blocks
Current consumption
125 mA at 120 V
Net weight
0.24 kg