Conversion time
5 ms
Measurement resolution
1.28 mV +/- 10 V
2.56 µA 0...20 mA
2.56 µA 4...20 mA
Electrical connection
1 SUB-D 25 connector
Measurement error
0.14 % of full scale +/- 10 V 25 °C
0.21 % of full scale 0...20 mA 25 °C
0.21 % of full scale 4...20 mA 25 °C
0.28 % of full scale +/- 10 V 0...60 °C
0.52 % of full scale 0...20 mA 0...60 °C
0.52 % of full scale 4...20 mA 0...60 °C
Isolation between channels
Common point
Isolation between channels and bus
1000 Vrms
Isolation between channels and ground
1000 Vrms
Protection type
Short-circuit protection
Overload protection
Output voltage limits
<= 30 V
Load impedance ohmic
< 600 Ohm 0...20 mA
< 600 Ohm 4...20 mA
> 1000 Ohm +/- 10 V
Maximum load inductance
300 µH
Maximum load capacitance
0.1 µF
Current consumption
200 mA at 5 V DC
300 mA at 24 V DC
Module format
Terminals description PLC n°1
Product weight
0.46 kg